Thursday, December 10, 2009

Book Review - Bible Believer's Handbook

The Bible Believer's Handbook truly is a handbook to help us in certain categories of life to understand how to act according to God's Word. It dissects issues we face and then gives answers according to the Scriptures. For those of us who believe, we realize our advantage to know the ideas that originated in the mind of God. Larry Vaughn explains that our country was once a kinder nation, a time that he lived through. It was a time when people took God and His advice to us seriously. Today, we have banned God from the public arena, and our nation as a whole has become coarser, more lazy, and flippant.

The book is divided into sections and is very easy to navigate. The first three sections emphasize the positive. In The Things of God, he discusses topics such as Heaven, the Holy Spirit, and the Will of God, while the Things God Expects You to Do shows from the Bible that we should be faithful, control our speech, and do good works. Section 3 is Good Things and that they come from good trees--good things such as confidence, courage, endurance, and wisdom. Courage, for example, is continuing to believe and act according to God's Word, believing it is the best way, even when the outside circumstances seem hopeless.

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord
thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake
Deuteronomy 31:6.

Sections 4 and 5 have to do with the havoc and evil that ensures because of disobedience to God's laws and why some people are losers. When you put your faith in the world, you are deceived in trusting a snare which is under the curse of sin and death; and your disappointment knows no comfort. Bitterness, vengefulness, and foolishness are the fruits such trust can produce.
Then he (Larry Vaughn) ends with a question, Which choice will you make? Will you follow God and accept with peace whatever comes as a result of that choice? Will you be a living sacrifice to glorify God? Or will you become one of life's losers, one who gets impatient, depressed, and frustrated easily over life's setbacks? This book makes you think deeply, yet simply, over such a choice.

Reviews by K.L.Kraemer

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