Sunday, October 23, 2011

One minute prayers for a nation in turmoil

Hospital Tries to Starve 55-Year-Old Man to Death
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, bless the Alliance Defense Fund in Maryland, who stopped the death of Daniel Sanger, a man Frederick Memorial Hospital reportedly began starving to death for six days without food and water, because his wife gave permission to kill him, even after he told his mother and doctor he wanted to live. From Deut 30:19 we pray people choose life, and nobody ever signs a Do Not Resuscitate authorization forcing hospitals to stop your food, water, or air, causing death sooner than God, because allowing eating, drinking, and breathing are not extraordinary measures, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Lesbian Parents Abuse 11-Year-Old Adoptee, Turn Boy Into a Girl
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, bless Walt Heyer, a man who repented and regrets changing his gender, and psychiatrists Dr. Keith Ablow and Dr. Paul McHugh for reportedly declaring the truth, that lesbians Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel are abusing their 11-year old adopted son Tommy by forcing him to have hormone treatments to try to make him a girl, and they are reportedly calling him 'Tammy.'  God help the government remove abused children from homes of homosexuals who violate children’s minds and bodies, and from Romans 12:2 renew Tommy’s mind, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Obama Helps Muslim Sue Berkeley School District
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we are grieved by the Obama administration’s choice to sue the Berkeley School District for “religious discrimination” and for giving a muslim teacher, Safoorah Khan $75,000 in back pay, damages and attorney’s fees – even though she quit her job after the school denied her three weeks of absence for a trip to Mecca, skipping class in the middle of the year. The Obama administration would never sue a school to help Jewish or Christian teachers or parents visit Israel. From Ezekiel 22:12, God you detest “unjust gain,” in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

See story behind ruling, click here. 

Christian Film “Courageous” Remains in Top Ten for Three Weeks
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, thank you for great success by another of Sherwood Baptist Church’s movies, Courageous, which tells the story of five men on their journey to become better fathers. Competing against new Hollywood movies and costing only $1 million to make, this Christian film earned $57 million dollars, including $22 million on opening weekend, and has ranked in the top 10 for three weekends in a row. From Exodus 31:3 please continue to bless the crew at Sherwood Baptist Church with skill, ability and knowledge to create hundreds more films, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

  Reaffirm "In God We Trust" as the National Motto.

1996 Defense of Marriage Law (DOMA) Violated by Obama’s Pentagon
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, protect the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a good law passed in 1996 that is now fully assaulted by homosexual activists who already repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the military. If DOMA is overturned it would force homosexual marriage and bonus pay in all 50 states, with free health care coverage, housing and money rewarding biologically deviant behavior at our expense. Genesis 2 reminds us that real marriage is solely between one man and one woman. Lord, please protect Your institution of marriage which represents Christ and Your church, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Hotel Cancels Anti-Sharia Conference and Jewish Speaker Pamela Geller
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we pray You condemn the anti-semitic Hyatt Hotel in Sugar Land, Texas, for cancelling a Tea Party event on the same day Jewish author, Pamela Geller, was scheduled to speak on the dangers of Muslim Sharia Law in America, because the Muslim terrorist front group, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) complained. We ask Your Peace to be on Pamela Geller and all who understand our need for protection from Islamic terrorists, and from Psalm 122:6 we also pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and persecuted Jews and Christians alike, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Repeal Obamacare - and defund Abortion!

Somalia: Christian Teen Beheaded by Muslim Extremists
Let Us Pray. Almighty God, we rejoice with Guled Jama Muktar, a 17 year-old Christian teen who was considered worthy to be martyred for your name and now wears a white robe in heaven, as you say Christian martyrs do in Revelation 6:11. Guled was beheaded by Shabbab Islamic militants on September 25th near the Somali capital, after they stalked him and his family for the last three years. Please bring peace and healing to Guled’s parents as they grieve the loss of their son, and they continue to evangelize Muslims, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.  See article, click here.

Adapted from Pray in Jesus name project
Disclaimer: The views of Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who was vindicated by Congress after being honorably but involuntarily discharged from the Navy in 2007, after facing court-martial for praying 'in Jesus name' in uniform, are his own personal views, not the views of any political party, government, or organization.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pastor in Iran to be executed for his belief in Christ

The ACLJ is asking all concerned citizens to sign a petition to Hillary Clinton for help in sparing the life of a pastor guilty of embracing Christianity.

Embracing Christianity doesn't sound like it should be a crime; but in Muslim-controlled Iraq and in spite of their constitution, it is enough to get a former Muslim executed. The White House has condemned the death sentence and Iran's "utter disregard" for religious freedom. 

The Iranian government is hoping Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani will recant his faith, but the pastor has responded that he cannot deny his faith in Christ. Since Iran does not wish the world to see the truth of its justice, false reports from the state media are now starting to circulate. They say that Pastor Youcef is guilty of Zionism, that he has committed crimes that threaten Iran's security. Also, they indicate he is accused of rape and extortion.

These charges arise in order to cover the real reason for Pastor Youcef's appointed execution. Before worldwide attention, documents in a ruling from the Iranian Supreme Court show Nadarkhani was sentenced to execution by hanging for “turning his back on Islam” and “converting Muslims to Christianity.”

According to Jay Sekulow, ACLJ:

"The only question now is whether the Iranian government is actually leveling these new charges against him in court or just throwing out new accusations to try and deflect media attention."
“One thing is clear, if Fars News is acknowledging Pastor Youcef's trial, we know that Iran's leaders are fully aware of it too - that's a good thing."

The ACLJ is working hard with Congressional leaders, the United Nations, international media, and Pastor Youcef’s attorney; and Iran is weary of the international pressure.

Hillary Clinton has released a statement that the U.S. is deeply concerned; but in order to save the pastor's life, it is imperative that she use the weight of the U.S. State Department to call on Iran for Pastor Youcwef's unconditional release.
Pastor Youcef and family

It is not too late to for the petition to have an effect on Iran's final decision in regard to Pastor Youcef.

Continue reading Petition to Hillary Clinton to save Christian pastor in Iran -

September 8, 2012: Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani released, acquitted of apostasy

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